16 April 2013

List Of Wow Hunter Macros

Serpent Sting and Widow Venom Macro
#showtooltip /castsequence reset=target/6 Serpent Sting, Widow Venom

Silencing shot for arena Macro
#showtooltip Silencing Shot /stopcasting /cancelaura Deterrence /cancelaura Hand of Protection /cast [mod:shift, @arena2] silencing shot /cast [mod:ctrl, @arena3] silencing shot /cast [nomod, @arena1] silencing shot

Hunter DPS Macro
/castsequence [mod]Focus Fire;reset=target Serpent Sting,null /castsequence !Cobra Shot /castsequence Arcane Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot /cast Rapid Fire /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Master’s call Macro
/cast [@player] Master's Call